
West Hampstead Interchange


West Hampstead Interchange

The West Hampstead Interchange area is identified in the Fortune Green and West Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan and the Camden Local Plan as a growth area. The area is largely shaped by the railway lines that cross it and contains a mixture of uses, including town centre, commercial and residential uses. The area includes part of the designated Finchley Road / Swiss Cottage town centre as well as part of West Hampstead town centre.

The Growth Area was originally identified due to the potential for a comprehensive combined interchange development between the three West Hampstead stations (London Underground, London Overground and Thameslink). Whilst this never progressed, the Thameslink and Overground stations have received significant investment and have been upgraded. However the need to improve the interchange environment for passengers between the stations and for the wider area remains a key issue to address, together with achieving step free access to the underground stations.

Redevelopment within the growth area as a whole provides an opportunity to enhance the area and address key issues of poor movement and integration with surrounding communities, as well as providing community uses and improved open spaces, making more efficient and better designed use of Camden's limited land.

There are 5 individual sites allocated in this area they are:

  • The 02 Centre, car park and car showrooms sites (WHI2) - This site is allocated for 950 new homes, floorspace for town centre uses, community uses and open space in the current draft of the Plan.
  • 13 Blackburn Road (WHI3) - Site is allocated for 21 new homes and offices in the current draft of the Plan.
  • 188-190 Iverson Road (WHI4) - Site is allocated for 15 new homes, offices and light industrial uses in the current draft of the Plan
  • Land at Midland Crescent (WHI5a) - Site is allocated for 9 new homes and offices in the current draft of the Plan.
  • 156 West End Lane (WHI5b) - Site is allocated for 164 new homes, retail floorspace and community uses in the current draft of the Plan.
  • What does the current draft of the Site Allocations Local Plan say about the West Hampstead Interchange Area?

    The February 2020 draft of the Plan states that the West Hampstead Interchange area has the potential to strengthen its role as a mixed-use area and deliver a significant increase in the number of permanent self-contained homes, employment, town centre uses including retail, health / community facilities and open space. Key points from the West Hampstead Interchange area policy aim to ensure that new developments within the area:

  • Provide a substantial number of new homes including affordable homes and a significant proportion of homes for families
  • Improve the street and public realm between and around the 3 West Hampstead stations and along West End Lane and Blackburn Road
  • Where in close proximity to Billy Fury Way set back buildings and create opportunities for natural surveillance
  • Deliver welcoming and clear entrances at West End Lane and Finchley Road along Blackburn Road
  • Contribute towards the provision and/or improvement of community facilities (the O2 Site Policy talks about seeking to make provision for a new health and well-being hub)
  • When adopted, the area policy would form part of the Council's Development Plan and be used by developers to work up proposals for allocated and unallocated sites in the area. It (along with other emerging policies in the Plan) provides an opportunity to proactively plan for the change we want to see happen in an area rather reacting to specific development proposals one site at a time. We know that proposals for specific sites can change and evolve even after a site has planning permission which is why we need to ensure that there is a firm policy in place to help shape any new proposals that may come forward including those for sites which already have planning permission.

    What feedback did we get from stakeholders in the earlier consultation on the Plan?

    In total 66 stakeholders responded to this section of the Site Allocations Local Plan which includes the area policy and individual site policies and 560 people visited our the 2020 commonplace for the West Hampstead Interchange area. A selection of the comments we received are set out below for information. It is intended that a summary document setting out all of the comments received and officer responses to them (including ones that are sent in during this consultation period) will be published when we consult on the next draft of the Plan (Publication Draft).

  • Support the need for the policy but not the indicative capacity. The proposal is too dense with housing and infrastructure is already struggling to cope
  • Agree with the need for policy and uses, but feel that it is essential to retain some parking( perhaps ground level/below ground) as allows for access to O2 Centre
  • Do not agree with the proposed uses or indicative housing capacity. Area should be left alone for entertainment purposes
  • If the area is to become prominently residential, greater emphasis needs to be made to provide amenities such as school, GP surgery, lots of attention to quality green space and careful planning of routes through the place with regards to safety
  • Must ensure there will be affordable housing
  • Need to improve Granny Dripping steps including land on other side of the steps as they feel dangerous to use and are full of rubbish
  • Any proposals must incorporate green space, green buildings, renewable energy regeneration and enhancement to the trackside land surrounding much of the site
  • Consideration should be given to facilitating an underground passage linking the three stations
  • What has changed since we last consulted with you in early 2020?
  • Camden has declared a climate emergency
  • New London Plan has been adopted
  • Adoption of the West End Lane to Finchley Road SPD
  • The landowners of the O2 Centre have started pre application discussions with the community and now propose to include the O2 Centre itself in its redevelopment plans - a developer forum on this site took place on the 28th July 2021. A video of the forum is available on our Camden planning live website .
  • Link to the February 2020 Draft Site Allocations Local Plan

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